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Module 4 Chapter 11 Assignment 9

Module 4 Chapter 11 Assignment 9

Q Introduction to Soc: Ch 11 Assignment Basics: You are going to read Chapter 1, watch my zoom video on it, and submit two paragraphs via here. Answer these two items: 1. Ch11. Conley/Kawamoto question: Doctor in the House (and Senate). Conley and Kawamoto talk about how medical doctors have political and social power. Identify one of the medical doctors who Kawamoto mentioned. Google him and reflect on his impact on our local lives. 2. Ch11. Race and Health. Look at what Kawamoto and Conley say about disparities in health. Pick one comparison and give your thoughts on the issue.

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Dr. Richard Pan represents the greater Sacramento area because not only is he the California State Senator but he also Chairs the Senate Committee on Health, among many other various groups. Dr. Pan has strived to keep our communities safe and healthy since being elected in 2010. One example of this is when local governments planned to close fire stations during the recession, Dr. Pan authored legislation to bring over $100 million in federal funds for fire departments including $6 million for the Sacramento region.